Our Commander in Chief at the 2021 White House Easter Egg Roll, April 18, 2022.
On May 10, 2023, Congressman James Comer, a Republican from the Great State of Kentucky, Head of the House Oversight Committee, gave a press conference where he and other Republican House Members published the Committee’s Second Memorandum on their investigation into the Biden Family Busnes: Graft and corruption. This column will go over the memorandum and the likely legal consequences of the revelations of political corruption on a worldwide scale.
The Committee issued subpoenas to four different banks, including one in China that had financial dealings connected to the Biden Family Business-Selling political influence to the highest bidder. Biden has repeatedly denied any improprieties related to his son Hunter’s business, saying that such accusations are “not true.”
The Memo details the creation of at least 20 different companies (Limited Liability Companies (“LLC”) by Hunter and his associates. LLCs that were created during Joe Biden’s vice presidency. Funds were received through this shell game from sources in the “Ukraine, Kazakh Mexico, Romania, and Oman”1
The Comer Memo details bribes received from Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”) sources and one corrupt and convicted Romanian UN Official looking for support from the Obama White House support for his campaign to be selected as the Secretary General of the United Nations.
In a bit of a troll, the Committee defends its investigation by citing the case of Trump v. Mazers USA LLP, 140 S.Ct. 2019 (2020). The Supreme Court case held that the House Committee investigating Trump’s alleged corruption was proper as “each House has the power to secure needed information in order to legislate.”2
The Committee expressed that its goal is apolitical and not motivated by retribution for the Lawfare practiced against President Trump’s family and associates. But rather, it is an effort in good faith to craft new legislation that will mandate “new reporting requirements for senior elected officials’ family members, and whether such restrictions” should extend for a period of time after a President or Vice President leaves office.” 3
Presently, there are no legal requirements for a Vice President or President to disclose or report on the financial records of family members other than for their spouse and their dependents."
The Committee also expresses that the investigation is also furthering a review of the “Bank Secrecy Act” 4 and its anti-money laundering laws. Proposals for revising the banking law statute include ensuring that the allegations of criminal activity related to the financial records of public officials and their families are “without undue influence by political appointees” and elected officials.
The amount of money involved in just this limited (time-frame) review of the Biden financial records prove that deposits range from $5,000 to $3 million.5 The committee is now seeking proof of the alleged (by Biden et al.) that the funds were received through the course of legitimate business interests and for “services rendered.”
The Straw Men: Rob Walker and James Gilliar
Pages 8 and 9 identified two key associates and co-conspirators, Rob Walker and James Gilliar. They controlled Robinson Walker, LLC and European Energy and Infrastructer Group (“EEIG”). Bribes from China and Romania were laundered through these two gentlemen through their companies and then were forwarded in dozens of wire (bank) transfers, each a separate and complete crime, but only after Rob and Jimmy took their 30% cut.
In one transaction described in the Memo, Rob Walker received $3 million from “State Energy HK Limited” (“State Energy, HK”), a Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”) front. One-third of the $3 million went to Walker, one-third to EEIG, and one-third to the Biden Family Rainy Day Fund.6
Reportedly the Biden funds were distributed to one unidentified Biden account (Joe), and to James Biden, Joe’s brother, Hallie Biden, and others, including two Biden Grandchildren. 7
Pages 10-12 of the Memo detail the ins and outs of international money laundering conspiracy. Page 11-12 details how Biden and a corrupt Romanian politician, Gabriel Popoviciu, conspired together to install Popoviciu as the U.N. Secretary-General. Popoviciu finished in the voting, and the bribes to the Biden family immediately ceased. Pages 13-18 provide redacted copies of wire transfers proving the corrupt flow of money to the Biden Family.
The China Connection - Ye Jiamming.
The Comer also documents a second money laundering scheme with the Biden’s receiving millions indirectly from the Chinese Communist Party via a CCP owen company “CEFC.” CEFC was the vehicle for Ye, the Deputy Secretary General of the “China Association for International Friendly Contact (“CAIFC”). CAIFC was issued to help fund China’s international development “Belts and Roads Initiative”, and to be a front organization to “perform dual roles of intelligence collection conducting propaganda and perception management campaign”8
Ye is seen in a photographing page 21 of the memo standing next to China’s President.
The Donger: Gongwen “Kevin” Dong.
In an email verified by the Washington Post, Ye Jianming had a U.S.-based associate Kevin Dong. Dong and Biden were 50-50 partners in a U.S. Based LLC, Hudson West III. Biden and Dong used this company to launder more than$130 a million in one three-month period in 2017. Money received from the CCP via Ye Jianming. Money that Dong used to buy millions in U.S. real estate and to bribe, among others the Biden Family. 9
Hudson West V, another Dong LLC partnering with Hunter, had offices in Beijing, China. Beijing, where Hunter allegedly went for fun and relaxation, Honey-Pot Style.
The Potential Charges and Prison Terms.
Before getting to the discussion of what the Biden Cartel and their c0-conspirators could be charged with, a little historical context is worth a discussion.
Spiro Theodore Agnew (1918-1996) was a Maryland politician and U.S. vice president from 1968 to 1973. He resigned as vice president and later pleaded no contest to tax evasion charges pursued by the IRS; the FBI investigated him for bribery, but he was not prosecuted on that charge. This release consists of FBI records concerning the bribery investigation as well as threats made against Agnew. It ranges between 1969 and 1986 (mostly between 1969 and 1973). This more comprehensive release replaces the more limited one made in the 1990s that had been previously posted here on the Vault.10
Investigators had hard evidence that he had received bribes in exchange for favorable treatment in the awarding of state and local government contracts in Maryland, where he was governor. Ironically in a Washington Post article, the Post wrote:
“The indictment of former president Donald Trump has taken the country into uncharted territory. Yet the case bears considerable resemblance to the successful prosecution of Vice President Spiro Agnew in 1973.”11
Will the Washington Post now call for the resignation of President Joe Biden and the prosecution of Pedo Joe and his Biden Crime Family? Don’t hold your breath waiting for a reasonable response from our corrupt corporate media.
The Potential Prosecution
Here is what I think the Bidens could be charged with if ever prosecuted.
1. Wire Fraud
This would make up the bulk of the criminal charges based on the limited review of Comer Memo 2. The crime of wire fraud occurs when someone voluntarily and intentionally uses an interstate communication (such as a phone or computer) as a part of any scheme to defraud another of property or anything else of value. Wire fraud is a federal crime with extremely serious potential consequences.12
While many state fraud-related crimes may be charged in conjunction with wire fraud, wire fraud itself is a federal crime, the penalties for which include: Up to twenty (20) years in federal prison. Up to $250,000 in fines for individuals. Up to $500,000 in fines for organizations.
The four essential elements of the crime of wire fraud are: (1) that the defendant voluntarily and intentionally devised or participated in a scheme to defraud another out of money; (2) that the defendant did so with the intent to defraud; (3) that it was reasonably foreseeable that interstate wire communications would be used; and (4) that interstate wire communications were in fact used)13
2. F.A.R.A. Violations
FARA or the “Foreign Agents Registrations Act” was used to convict former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort of not registering as a foreign agent working on behalf of the Ukrainian government.
“As part of a 12-count indictment issued as part of teh Robert Mueller “Russia Gate” probe of Paul Manafort, prosecutors included charges that the longtime Republican operative misled the government about the nature of his work for the Ukrainian government under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, or FARA.” 14
As Hunter and their friends promoted the interests of China and Romanian government officials, among others, Hunter and his associates, anyone who knew of and or participated in anyone, including President Joe Biden, who received funds from foreign agents, was reasonably required to register as FOREIGN AGENTS.
Public Officials like Joe Biden are additionally mandated to report their lobbying efforts on behalf of foreign agents and governments. A public official of the United States in the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government or in any agency of the United States, including the District of Columbia, who is or acts as an agent of a foreign principal is required to register under the FARA or a lobbyist required to register under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 in connection with the representation of a foreign entity, as defined in Section 3(6) of that Act, shall be fined not more than $250,000 or imprisoned for not more than two years, or both. 15
Under 18 U.S.C. § 618, a violation of FARA can be either a felony carrying up to five years in prison or a misdemeanor carrying up to six months, depending on which particular provision of FARA is violated. Willfully makes a false statement of a material fact or willfully omits any material fact required to be stated therein or willfully omits a material fact or a copy of a material document necessary to make the statements therein and the copies of documents furnished therewith not misleading, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $250,000 or by imprisonment for not more than five (5) years.16
Other notable arrests and convictions for wire fraud include VP Agnew and Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of Theranos, who was found guilty of wire fraud charges for her role in lying to investors to raise money for her start-up tech company (blood-testing technology).
Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannuli pled guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud in connection with a widespread college admissions scheme. The couple "donated" contributions to sham charities as a quid pro quo to secure their daughter's admission to USC. Both parents got prison time.
Bernie Madoff pled guilty to wire fraud, among other federal crimes, for operating a private Ponzi scheme that ran for decades and defrauded around 40,000 people of $65 billion.
3. Tax Evasion.
If someone holds assets in another person's name or transfers assets to another person so that the Internal Revenue Service is unable to determine their actual tax liability, this would be considered Willful Evasion. It is not clear what, if anything was reported to IRS officials by the Biden family members who received the funds from foreign actors. But it is unlikely in the extreme, given all the shell companies and great lengths the Biden’s went to hide the incoming graft, that they did not report the cash as taxable revenue.
First, a willful attempt to evade or defeat the assessment of a tax constitutes a federal tax crime. For example, if someone holds assets in another person's name or transfers assets to another person so that the Internal Revenue Service is unable to determine their actual tax liability, this would be considered willful evasion.
The willful attempt to evade or defeat the payment of a tax is also a federal tax crime. Here, the person would have willfully attempted to evade the payment of a tax liability that has become due.
It is also a crime to conspire to evade taxes so those who simply received the cash, including allegedly two Biden Grandchildren, could be charged with conspiracy to evade taxes.
TREASON: “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” 17
SEDITION: If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
In a just world, Joe, James, and Hunter Biden should be arrested and tried immediately.
I call on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to immediately charge, file and vote on Articles of Impeachment for Joe Biden based on all the foregoing.
Don’t forget what they did to us. Do it for the Children. We are all they have.
Pg. 5 of the Comer Memo.
Pg. 4 of the Comer Memo.
Pg. 4 of the Comer Memo.
Pg. 8 of the Comer Memo.
Pg. 9 of the Comer Memo.
https://nypost.com/2023/05/10/nine-biden-family-members-who-allegedly-got-foreign-money-identified-by-house-gop/ (Last accessed 5/10/23)
Pg. 20 of the Comer Memo.
Pg. 22-24 of the Comer Memo.
https://vault.fbi.gov/Spiro%20Agnew (Last accessed 5/11/23)
https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2023/04/10/there-is-precedent-trumps-indictment-spiro-agnew/ (Last accessed 5/11/23)
(18 U.S.C. §§ 1343, 1346 (2022).)
(citing Manual of Model Criminal Jury Instructions for the District Courts of the Eighth Circuit 6.18.1341 (West 1994)), cert. denied, 115 S.Ct. 2289 (1995); United States v. Hanson, 41 F.3d 580, 583 (10th Cir. 1994)
See 18 U.S.C. § 219; 18 U.S.C. § 3571
22 U.S.C. § 618(a); 18 U.S.C. § 3571.
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